Bush-McCain - Cheney-Palin

Posted: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 | Posted by Chico Brisbane |

Connecting McCain to Bush is a no-brainer because the proof is not just a matter of public opinion, but rather public record. Needless to say it has put the McCain campaign in the position of trying to deny what is undeniable by rationalizing the truth and minimizing culpability. McCain marched in cadence with Bush policy when it was in his best interest and didn’t when it wasn’t. However, while McCain and the conservative pundits weaved a web of lies about Gov. Palin and all that she brought to the ticket, the 24-hour news cycles shot down every claim like ducks in a row.

Instead of Gov. Palin bringing much needed executive experience and reform to the ticket, she brought a cloud of suspicion and questionable ethics and I’m being generous – trust me! This in itself is proof positive that the Palin pick was a knee-jerk reaction and that the vetting process was reckless. The police do a better job of vetting a private citizen by asking for a driver license and vehicle registration then the McCain camp did in vetting the person whom they intend to place one
heartbeat away from the nation’s highest office. That is not only reckless and irresponsible, but also dangerous and a clear sign that John McCain lacks the judgment to be President. – Well…of this nation at least.

While folk’s on the right will say “Well…what about Obama? – He doesn’t have any executive experience, he’s never voted against his party.” – To that, I will quote
Dick Chaney and say “So what?” – Barak Obama is where he is because more than 14,000,000 Americans decided to put him there in a democratic primary election. Gov. Palin ended up where she is because 1 person decided to put her there in a reckless, self-serving moment of desperation in hopes of winning the election and completing his bucket list.

It is amazing how the similarities between Palin and Cheney are coming to the surface. There are few remaining doubts that Dick Cheney wore the pants in the Bush administration and it’s safe to say that the same would apply to a McCain administration as well. Thankfully, it now seems likely that victory has slipped beyond the grasp of McCain-Palin and come January, President Obama and
Vice President Biden can get busy by executing a vision that was born from a grass-roots movement unlike any other in modern history. With as much damage as George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney have inflicted on our country, Barak
Obama and Joseph Biden will have a monumental task before them.

Chico Brisbane


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