Barack Obama gives his victory speech in Chicago

Posted: Sunday, November 16, 2008 | Posted by Chico Brisbane |

Barack Obama gives his victory speech in Chicago
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Barack Obama has become the first black US president after a landslide election victory.

While the Fox News nut jobs try to paint Barack Obama's triumph over John McCain as a narrow margin victory or as a result of our faultering economy, a majority of American's see it much differently. Therin lies the fundimental problem with Fox News and the vast majority of their on-air personalities. They can only see the world the way that Rupert Murdoch percieves it to be while the rest of us see the world the way that it really is. This was more than a landsilde victory for Obama and his supporters and more then just a simple loss for McCain and his supporters. When it was all said and done on November 4th., John McCain had received a virtual bitch slapping of epic purportions that would make the shit going on at Guintanamo look like a bad hair day.

Watching John McCain's campaign in action was like watching Laurel & Hardy trying to hoist a grand piano with a rusty pully and a old tattered piece of twine. I'm not sure how Sen. McCain thought that people would not see the Keystone Copishness that has plagued his campaign right from the start or how his inability to run said campaign would somehow not call into question his ability run an entire country. If you look at the McCain campaing in terms of BSP and ASP (Before Sarah Palin and After Sarah Palin) it's pretty easy to see that she fucked it all up five ways from Sunday and beyond, but she wasn't alone! - Oh no my friends! - Not by a long shot!-- If 10 seconds after the Katie Couric interview, the McCain camapign wasn't smart enough to kick Palin to the curb, they should have at least been smart enough not to try and spin her embarrassing performance into a freakin Oscar nod. Secondly, someone with a half a lick of sence in the McCain campaign should have called Sean Hannity over at Fox News and told him to shut the fuck up about Ayers and Wright or at least kick it down a few thousand notches. I'm not trying to say that Sean Hannity has dirreaha of the mouth, but when you've got your head that far up John McCain's ass it's fair game to speculate.

Some might try to campare MSNBC as the left-wing version of FOX and I can see how some might draw that conclusion, except that MSNBC has the advantage of truth and integrity on their side and especially after the addition of Rachel Maddow to their line up. I swear, If I were a gay woman, I would so want to be with her and I would go all Shannon Dourghty on any women that tried to steal her away from me, but I digress. If I had to make a comparison between Maddow
and Hannity I would say that Maddow is to MSNBC what journal is to ism or what Keith is to Keithier. On the other hand, Sean Hannity is to FOX NEWS what shit is to a fucking calostomy bag and I should probably leave it at that before I say anything rude or offensive. I apologize if I sound like I'm off my meds in this rant, but I've given up the coffee and cigarettes in honor of our new president and I'm freakin jonesing really bad.

As always, Your friend and fellow patriot.

Chico Brisbane


  1. Anonymous said...
  2. Hey Chico!

    I've been folowing you on The Huffington Post and Politico and you never disappoint me. You're an absolute riot.


  3. Anonymous said...
  4. LMFAO! Boy-O-Boy Chico, you don't beat around the bush. When you've got something to say, you just come on out and say it! LOL God forbid that Chico Brisbane should ever say anything that wasn't rude or offensive. I like it, I love it, I want some more of it!

  5. Anonymous said...
  6. I've seen this guy live in Vegas. I have never laughed so hard.

  7. Anonymous said...

  9. Anonymous said...
  10. Hey Chico,

    I think olbermann is reading you blog because the other day he used the BSP and ASP analogy and elaborated that it referred to before sarah palin and after sarah palin. If it's true, that awesome! - I'm pretty sure that Rachel said something on air that sge got from my bolg. I don't need credit, ya know what I mean. Just knowing that they read my blog is sick.


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