Rachel Maddow Sued By Conservative Talk Radio Host

Posted: Thursday, July 28, 2011 | Posted by Chico Brisbane | Labels: , , ,

The media is widely reporting that Bradlee Dean, a Minnesota "christian rocker", has filed a $50 million dollar lawsuit against MSNBC's Rachel Maddow in a Tuesday press release.

MSNBC has called the suit "baseless" in a statement. Dean's suit stems from an August 2010 segment of TRMS in which Maddow quoted a statement Bradlee Dean made on his radio show:

"Muslims are calling for the execution of homosexuals in America. They themselves are upholding the laws that are even in the Bible, the Judeo-Christian God, but they seem to be more moral than the American Christians do. Because these people are livid about enforcing their laws. They know homosexuality is an abomination. If America won't enforce the laws, God will raise up a foreign enemy to do just that."

First of all, let’s correct the misleading “Christian Rocker” aspect in the narrative of this issue. Bradlee Dean is as much of a Christian Rocker as Joe is a plumber. According to the introduction of Dean’s own web site, Bradlee Dean touts himself as “the founder and executive director of the non-profit ministry, YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CANNOT HIDE INTERNATIONAL.

The web site says that “Dean hosts a nationally syndicated radio show, THE SONS OF LIBERTY, a hard hitting radio program which attacks the hot issues of today, combats the lies in the media, and re-establishes the foundations of our country. Bradlee Dean recently debuted on FOX News as a part of a radio extraordinaire guest panel on Fox and Friends.”

At the very bottom of the web site, virtually the last line of html, there is a link where you can buy Mr. Dean's "My War DVD" which is a documentary. So Christian Rocker? – I don’t think so. Mr. Dean is a Fox Radio personality with a hankering to echo the homophobic rhetoric of his cultural icon Rep. Michelle Bachmann. (R) Minn.

The scary thing is that Dean's website describes his "My War" DVD as follows:

"A series like none other. This unique documentary encompasses the huge spectrum of issues we face in our society today and takes you back to the foundation of our country, to give understanding and clarity of who our Founders were and their true intentions when they established this Judeo-Christian nation. Watch as Bradlee Dean and his crew go into the public school system with the truth, while exposing the lies being thrown on our young, and watch the contention build!"

I would love to know exactly which public schools have allowed access to Mr. Dean and his crew with their "message of truth". Dean claims to have brought his message to over 331 public high schools in 20 states. Something worthy of looking into from a constitutional standpoint.

Mealwhile, Mr. Dean charged Maddow with deliberately ignoring a disclaimer that he issued which stressed that he was not calling for gay people to be killed. He said Maddow's airing of his statement caused "serious" harm to him and the ministry he runs.

However, a review of the August segement showed that Maddow did read the disclaimer--"we have never and will never call for the execution of homosexuals"--just after airing Dean's statement.

Dean also said he is an ally of Michele Bachmann, and accused Maddow and the "left wing media" of using him to harm her presidential prospects. Even though he is filing a multi-million dollar lawsuit, Dean said that "money is not the issue."

However it's Dean and his ministry that has hurt Bachmann's presidential prospects assuming that any ever existed. Bachmann must still account for her ongoing connection with Bradlee Dean and his notoriously anti-gay "You Can Run But You Can’t Hide" ministry. Dean has been described as “Bachmann’s Jeremiah Wright,” and has repeatedly called for gays and lesbians to be put in prison and has said executing gays is “moral.”

This is not a case of the Liberal media attacking a "Christian rocker". It’s a matter of a conservative radio talk show host being called out for his crazy rhetoric. Mr. Dean shouldn't be surprised when his crazy rhetoric gets quoted on cable news and then becomes, ironically for Mr. Dean, those types of things from which you can run, but you cannot hide. Okaaaaaay!

- Chico Brisbane

Source: http://mywarfilm.com/
Source: http://bradleedean.com/


  1. Anonymous said...
  2. Good point Chico. Some people can dish it out, but they just can't take it.

  3. Anonymous said...
  4. Fuck you chico! your probably a lezbien to.

  5. ChicoBrisbane said...
  6. I can assure you I am not a lesbian.

  7. Anonymous said...
  8. "Okaaaaay!" LMFAO you salty bitch.

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